Lead Generation Success: Websites


When it comes to marketing externally, your website is your shop window. Part of an integrated marketing mix, your website is one of the best platforms to showcase to your target market who you are and what you’re about.

You want people to search you out, stop at your eye-catching display and venture in to find out more. You’ll probably want them to make an enquiry  – better still, purchase something – and become loyal customers who return time and time again.

And then we get complacent. We get way-sided by endless to-do lists. You know, the ones you write tasks that you’ve already done just so you can cross them off the list. Ah, instant feel-goods.

Fret not. When it comes to inbound lead generation, I’ve combined the best takeaways from analysing some of the top performing websites I’ve worked on.

These will  save you time, engage your visitors and boost the number of leads you generate from your website.

And reduce some of the things on your to-do list.

What are you doing to stand out?


Here’s a short overview of how your business benefits from having a quality website. I presented these in a training session with marketing professionals in a business services company. Next we brainstormed on what should be included in a website. See what your peers thought here…

  • A key channel in terms of positioning, brand awareness and ultimately revenue generation.
  • Supports customer retention and acquisition strategies, especially if you’re a start-up or you’re launching a new product.
  • Part of the integrated marketing mix. The extent of this integration depends on what type of organisation you are and product you are selling. As a general rule of thumb you should consider its fit with other channels including social media, e-mail, affiliates and backlinks.
  • SEO benefits. Having a good website will reduce your bounce rate, increase time spent on there and boost your SEO ranking. It’s also likely to lead to more unique visitors.
    Here’s a quick recap of those definitions when looking at these in Google Analytics:
  1. Unique visitors – Google counts the same person returning as one visitors – I’ve chosen this to give us a more reliable view about the number of unique people visiting the page.
  2. Time on site: Time on site is one way of measuring visit quality. If visitors spend a long time visiting your site, they may be interacting extensively with it. Take with pinch of salt, Time on site can be misleading because visitors often leave browser windows open when they are not actually viewing or using your site.
  3. Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page). Bounce rate is a measure of visit quality and a high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance (landing) pages aren’t relevant to your visitors.

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